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Today on 7/29/2011, Saturday at 6:30 pm we got match with Ohio  team. Ohio soccer team came from Ohio all over to Pittsburgh. Ohio team got like 17 players and Y.G.S.C team got 16 players. Y.G.S.C score 1 and Ohio soccer team score 1 match was tie. At last both Team decided to play penalty. From Y.G.S.C Dorja, Kushal, New Bro and Nisan kick the penalty and from Ohio soccer team there is 4 player to kick penalty. From Y.G.S.C all score and it is like 4 and from Ohio soccer team one 2 person soccer 2 person kick ball of the poss. Score was 1-1 but in penalty Y.G.S.C  score 3 and Ohio soccer team score 1, So Match was awesome !!!!

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